Day 15 of Landing a Job in 30 days

Day 15 of Landing a Job in 30 days


2 min read

Hi guys✋,This is day 15 of landing a Job in 30days👩‍💻.

Learned about Record

public class EmployeeDetails{
     private int id ;
     private String name;
     public class EmployeeDetails(int id,String name){;;
   //Getter and Setter 
   //toString and hashcode
  public String toString(){
     return "EmployeeDetails(name=" + this.getName() +", employeeId=" +")";

public class Employee{
   public static void main(String[] args){
   EmployeeDetails employee = new EmployeeDetails(1,"Ram");
EmployeeRecord employeeRecord = new EmployeeRecord(2,"Raj");

public record EmployeeRecord (int id, String name){

Records are immutable data classes that require only the type and name of fields.

The record has default constructor with the arguments .

We can implement interface but we cannot use extend in it.

Since the record is immutable there is no setter.

I tired to create a ToDo app using Springboot and recalled few things.

Package uses in springboot

Entity -- To store the data in table

Repository -- Spring Data JPA repositories are interfaces with methods supporting creating, reading, updating, and deleting records against a back end data store.

Service -- Define the contract and business logic for managing To-Do items. The implementation utilizes Spring Data JPA and the repository to interact with the database

Controller -- Responsible for processing incoming REST API requests, preparing a model, and returning the view to be rendered as a response.

Problem solved today

Happy Coding!!!!😃